We are talking about a widespread conspiracy, the aim of which is to destroy independent nations. European and a Global revolution is a fact.
The world's great financial, political and religious powers are today
joining forces. The laws and statutes of independent nations are being
overruled by international law.
Why does the elite want more power and control, why the urge for a
centralised and international way of governing the world? How great is
the influence coming from secret power groups when international
decisions are made? HOW do all these forces cooperate? WHO are these
people behind the scenes? Which role do the Vatican, the Pope and the
Catholic Church play in this game to gain world dominion? Which role do
the US, the UN and the international forces play in the Middle-East
conflict? Is there a connection between the peace negotiations and the
role of Israel in the end-time, and will they ever gain control over the
Temple Mount? Are we really heading towards a period of global peace,
springing from the Middle-East?
You can read more about these and other subjects in the following documents:

Struggle Behind The Scenes For Glasgow
Glasgow 1-12 November
The Feminist Movement
Struggle Behind The Scenes
The Family Day
100 years after the Marian Apparition in Fatima
The PROTEST is NOT over - 500 Years After Luther!
2017 - 500 Years After Luther!
Protestantism is no longer protesting - Papacy, Trump, Reformation Day, Prophecy
Rekindling The Protestant Reformation - Wittenberg 31st October 2017
Luther - Missionary News Germany
The Struggle Behind the Scenes
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit
The Godhead Joels Journey - Why I Left the Anti trinitarian Movement
The Godhead Joel's Journey - The Pioneers and the Alpha and Omega of Deadly Heresies
New persecusion of Christians in Russia
Gigantic Economic Collapse
Forces behind the EU
Agenda 2030 for sustainable development
The Marian Apparitions
The Greatest Deception in History Will Bring Liberty in Danger!
Barack Obama & the New World Order
Watch out for a Catholic European Union!
My Brother Died - Where Is He Now?
The Path to Health
Just One Baptism - Are You Deceived?
The King is Coming!
The Battle in the Mind
The Money Masters
WARNING: A Great Economic Depression is here - but More will Come...
A Collapse of the US Economy, Moral Apostacy - and Sunday as a National Day of Rest
World Political Authority
The USA and the Papacy in Bible Prophecy
Essential Facts About Life on Earth
The Final Warning
The First Great Deception
Can Our Dead Speak to Us?
Liberty of Consciense Threatened
The Impending Conflict
The Scriptures a Safeguard
The Origin of Evil
Enmity Between Man and Satan
Agency of Evil Spirits
Snares of Satan
Modern Revivals
The Godhead...
The Elite Tightens the Grip
Courting Rome
Watch out for the Power Elite and the Global Union!
The Reform Treaty - A Silent Occupation
666, the Beast, the Mark of the Beast...
Charta Oecumenica
The EU must keep Sunday, says the Catholic Church
Watch out for the Ecumenical Movement!
The work of the Jesuits in the new millennium
The Greatest deception in history! Ten Commandments Sunday
America as our authority?
Watch out for the Charismatic Movement!
Israel in the End of Time
Daniel 11:40 - The King of the north & the king of the south
Daniel 11:41-45 - The shaking time and the ripe grain!
The nature of Christ
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This page belongs to Abel Struksnes. For more information
contact Christian Information Service, Bente & Abel Struksnes, Vestrumsbygda 26, 2879 Odnes, Norway or send me an e-mail at abels@online.no