"It is a big idea: a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind: peace and security, freedom and the rule of law." -USA's president George Bush in his State of the Union address on January 29, 1991
The rulers of the world come together and make their plans - behind closed doors.
They are about to unite the world through strong confederations and alliances.
They are strong advocates of European and Global unity.
Why? Who is actually behind these plans? What are they up to?
Since Satan rebelled against God in heaven and was cast down to the earth, he has all the time tried to obtain power by deception.[157] The earth belongs to God, and He has handed over everything to His Son. Adam (the first man on earth) was going to rule on behalf of Christ. Adam had no rule of his own, but he acted on behalf of his Creator. When Adam sinned - eating of the forbidden fruit - he lost his domain to Satan. But in spite of Adam's failure and lost domain to Satan (he is mentioned as the prince of this world), Christ was still the legitimate king. But when Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, Satan gave the impression that he was the true ruler of this world. Therefore "He sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve[158] Satan wanted Jesus to give up the kingship of this world and be subordinate to him. But Jesus showed him that "the most High ruleth in the Kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will."[159] Satan can only exercise his usurped power to the extent that God permits.
Satan still tries to rule people according to his usurped power. While Jesus encourages people to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, Satan seeks to allure them with wealth, pleasure, honour, temporal happiness and success. He tempts them with the hope of secular power and influence, something he has no right to give, and which soon will be taken away from him.[160]
God is full of love. He could have destroyed Satan when he rebelled against God in heaven. But if He had done so, it might have left a questionmark in the minds of the heavenly intelligences, as to the justice of God. Instead God has permitted Satan to live and thereby show the world what he really is like. Therefore Satan has had, throughout earth's history, many opportunities to show what his purpose is. Yes, the whole universe has massive evidence of how evil Satan is, and how full of grace and mercy and love God is, while permitting Satan to demonstrate the principals of his government. Satan has tried to bind people with collective laws and strong alliances that lead people away from God. God, on the other hand, is love. He forces no one, but gives us the choice of life and the good things, or death and the evil things, so we can choose.[161]
The struggle between evil and good will soon come to an end. Everybody must now decide on which side they want to be. Do you want to be on Jesus' side and exalt God and His authority, or do you prefer to follow Satan's vicious and cunning plan of obeying human authority - and thus accept the false day of rest? Now is the time for you to choose! If we constantly resist the Holy Spirit, our conscience will stop reacting, and we will lose the power to respond to the Holy Spirit, so we will not be able to make the right decisions any more.
Many may ask: "I wish to be ready when Jesus comes to get His people, but how can I prepare myself?"
As a starting point: We are all lost. "For the wages of sin is death", says the Bible. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."[162] If it had not been for Jesus Christ, the Son of God, everything would therefore have looked very gloomy. God has shown us His tremendous love by sending His only Son - Jesus Christ - in order for us to be saved.[163] And He came to this earth to save His people from their sins - not in their sins.[181]
Satan's assertion was that since the first couple, who were neither physically, mentally nor spiritually weakened, and who were not defiled by sin, fell into sin, therefore it was impossible to keep God's law. Everybody would be lost. In order to save men from their lost condition Jesus had to come into this world and live as a man without sinning. That was exactly what Jesus did. Jesus was God's son, but He came to this earth in the likeness of sinful man. And took upon Himself the fallen nature of man. The human race had been weakened by sin for 4000 years. Jesus was born in this stage. He was tempted in all points like us - yet He was without sin. He then gave His life as an atoning sacrifce for our sins. Therefore He is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God - through Him.[164]
Jesus said: "I can of mine own self do nothing." [165] As a man He had to receive power from God in His struggle against Satan. "Jesus revealed no qualities and exercised no powers that men may not have through faith in Him. His perfect humanity is that which all His followers may possess, if they be in subjection to God as He was."[165] Jesus had to receive power from God in order to be victorious. In God's power He was victorious. Thus we also, by God's power, can be victorious in any temptation that we meet.[165]
But why must we get help from outside ourselves in order to do good? The Bible says: "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing;..."[215] It is not like the mystical Eastern Religions, and as in the Yin-Yang symbolism, they all tell us there is something good in an evil man and something evil in a good man. It holds the view that the good or the evil is developed in man through meditation and good or evil deeds, and in the end man will himselves be like the gods. No, the Bible makes it clear that there is no good in man. We are - through our fallen nature - evil in ourselves. It is here we need Jesus. By accepting salvation in and through Jesus Christ, we can be filled with what is good. The power of the Holy Spirit will fill our lives.
To receive the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives as we struggle aginst Satan, we must accept Jesus as our Saviour. We must say "YES" to Jesus. We then have salvation by faith in His sinless victorious life, and His death on the cross for our sake. When we humble ourselves by giving up SELF, acknowledging our sins and confessing and forsakeing them, God will forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Jesus has then clothed us in His garment of Righteousness, and looks upon us as clean and pure. In other words, we are made righteous by grace and through faith in His merits on our behalf. This is the only way we can be saved. Jesus makes this clear in the following words "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."[167]
We can only come to God through Jesus. We must, by God's help, lay aside our imperfections, and be cleansed in the blood of Jesus to be accepted by God.
But I am sure you have experienced that you have come short. When we forget to seek God's help, Satan will easily overtake us. Just for such a situation the apostle John writes: "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world."[168]
It does not matter how deep we have fallen into sin, Jesus stands there - like the father of the lost son - with His arms outstretched ready to receive us, provided we are sorry for our sins, and repent. Jesus says: "... and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out".[169] This is the kind of love Jesus has for you and me.
To turn away from sin and to receive salvation by faith through Jesus, means that you will also find peace of mind. The apostle Paul says: "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."[170]
The powers of this world are seeking to produce peace on paper by signing treaties and agreements, but this type of peace is not reliable. This will not be able to create peace, but will instead oppress and enslave people by comprehensive and man-made laws.
To know that you are forgiven and accepted by God will give you true peace, peace of mind. It is only the peace God provides that is real and reliable. That peace will be to you a blessing and will do others good.
To those who have accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour, He says: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."[171]
To say "yes" to Jesus will have an impact on our lives. Our own selfish desires will not dominate us. We will say "no" to the lust of the flesh and to the pleasures and temptations of the world, and "yes" to the Spirit of God, as we are led by Him. Our fleshly nature will stay with us as long as we live here on this earth, but we are not to let it control our minds or rule our lives. We must let the Holy Spirit control our minds, so we can be partakers of the divine nature.[172] And we will be partakers of the divine nature as long as we stay close to Jesus and are obedient to Him.
When we let the Holy Spirit control our minds, we will turn away from anything that defiles, deception, cheating, adultery, covetousness, lust and everything that has to do with sin. We will not have a love for the world and the things which are in the world, but we will love Christ. We will have a new mind, new purposes and new motives. People will notice that a change has taken place in our lives. The fruit of the Spirit will appear, such as love, joy, peace, longsuffering, patience, kindness etc.[173] In other words there is a character change that takes place in our lives. Now it will be our joy to reflect and represent Jesus in all our our everyday activities and not take part in the pleasures and lusts of worldlings. This we can not do in our own strength, but in our efforts to resist Satan's temptations and to live for Christ, we can unite our weakness with the strength of Jesus.[174]
Just as the branch needs contact with the trunk of the tree in order to live, so we too must be connected with Jesus to receive spiritual nourishment and power to stand against the subtle attacks of the devil. When Jesus lives in us and we in Him -
![]() with the trunk of the tree (Jesus). |
Have you decided to follow Jesus totally and completely and let the Holy Spirit control your life, and not the carnal heart?
The example of Christ shows us that our only hope of being victorious depend on the constant and continual resistance to the attacks of Satan. Therefore we must constantly receive the transforming power that God wants to give us through the Holy Spirit. It is this power that we need to use against sin and apostasy. Have you discovered this power in your own life? Have you experienced the joy of gaining victory over the sins and temptations that face you? When this is the experience of our life, we can verify the truth in the words of the Bible:
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." And: "If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed."[176]
You see, this transformation of our minds and continous victory over sin must happen here, before the time of grace ends, then we will be ready when Jesus returns. The apostle John puts it like this: "We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not."[177] This text tells us that as long as we stay close to Jesus, and let the Spirit control us, we will hate sin. We will not sin. You may assert that these claims are a little too much. But then I want to ask you: If you are born again and have the Strongest One on your side, should you then doubt that you can continue to be victorious over the adversary that Jesus has defeated? Remember that with Jesus at your side you can receive help from Him who says: [214]
But perhaps you say: "I sin anyway!" Well, please do not put the blame on Jesus. Because, if we sin, it is not because Jesus is not able to help us, but because we have distanced ourselves from His presence and sought to manage on our own. We have forgotten that He can help us. Then we must come back to Jesus again, confess our sin and receive forgiveness, grace and redemption. When this has been done we must not only be more on our guard, but completely and fully - with the help of the Holy Spirit - seek to live in such a way that we sill remain in this pure condition. We must put on, and wear, the robe of the righteousness of Jesus, for the Bible declares: "And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth."[178] (That is, into the Kingdom of God.) We can not receive the robe of Christ's righteousness even if we have only one sin in our life that has not been made right. All sin must be confessed and be cleansed in the blood of Jesus, so that we can find grace with God.[179]
You may ask somewhat hesitatingly: "But why must this change and preparation take place now?" Well, we must have a constant and thorough surrender to Jesus on a daily basis, because when He comes, He does not come to cleanse us from our sins or to remove the defects and shortcomings of our character or to heal the frailties in our temperaments and our inclinations. The change has to take place NOW - before His return.[180]
Therefore let not sin lie there like a leaven in your life. Go to God in prayer, confess your sins, and ask for Jesus to forgive you. At the same time pray for the power to resist the temptations that meet you, and let your actions be in harmony with this. With such an experience and attitude in your life, the old leaven will be purged out, so that you can become a new dough. Then ask God for help to form the dough according to His will.[93]
We must have this daily surrender to Jesus in order to receive the seal of God. The seal of God is a sign of God's approval of His children. The Bible says that those who surrender and become converted and come to believe in Christ, have been promised the Holy Spirit as a seal. The believer has the Holy Spirit as a seal in his life, as long as he or she stays close to Christ and does His will.[182]
But let us now look at the final sealing that Gods angel will perform. This sealing is given to the believers that are living just before Jesus returns. This seal is - in other words - given to those who already have received the Holy Spirit, who are reflecting God's will in everyday life, in their thoughts, words and actions, and who lift up Christ as the Saviour with a loud and clear voice.[183]
The Bible says that the angel of God will put the seal of God in the forehead of those who sigh and cry for all the abominations that are found and being practiced among those who profess themselves to be the spiritual leaders of God"s people. The Bible reveals that these abominations also today are found among the clergy.[184]
God's seal in the forehead is a mark that angels, but not the human eye, can read. This is why the six angels that have the weapons of destruction in their hands, - and that are coming or following right after the angel putting the seal in the forehead of Gods people, - will see the mark on God's children and will not harm them.[185] It is therefore of no avail to show forth a title or credentials when the six angels with the weapons of destruction come. Then there is no guarantee for the leaders of the church, the priests or the deacons. The Bible reveals that those who have seen the truth and have been given great light, but have not lived up to it, will be struck with death. They have seen the light of truth in the Word of God, but they did not let the light shine brightly. Instead they have put on nice clothes and worked behind a nice polished facade against God's truth. They have preached worldly theology and a superficial gospel and have been false sheperds. They have been guilty of great iniquity and abominations, and led the people away from the truths of the Bible. Because of their deceit and great iniquity and the leading astray of the people "the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness... And as for me also, mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, but I will recompense their way upon their head."[186]
This will of course be a terrible experience. It is therefore important for us now to live as close to Jesus Christ so that we - when the time comes - can be among those who receive the seal of God in our forehead, and therefore not be among the lost.
But back to the seal of God. The seal of God in the forehead, is therefore "not a seal or mark that can be seen, but a settling into the truth, both intellectually and spiritually, so they cannot be moved."[187]
Those who do not trust in themselves, but humble themselves before God, and cleanse their souls in obedience to the truth, will accept the heavenly stamp and prepare themselves to receive the seal of God. When they receive this stamp in their forehead, their character continues to be pure and without spot or wrinkle, throughout all eternity.
"The seal of God" is the opposite of "the mark of the beast". The Bible reveals that the mark of the beast will come to the forefront before the time of grace ends, and before Jesus returns.[188] Therefore the Bible especially emphasizes that "them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God."[189] John sees those who have gotten the victory over the mark of the beast standing before the throne of Jesus, which is in heaven.[190] They have been into battle on this earth, but now they are victorious, in the grace of God. The reedemed - who are alive when Jesus returns - will have been through the great test brought on with the mark of the beast.
The seal of God or the mark of the beast; will be the great test that will determine our eternal destiny. "This is the test that the people of God must have before they are sealed. All who proved their loyalty to God by observing His law and refusing to accept a spurious Sabbath, will rank under the banner of the Lord God, Jehovah, and will receive the seal of the living God. Those who yield the truth of heavenly origin and accept the Sunday sabbath, will receive the mark of the beast."[191]
Now is the time to prepare ourselves. The seal of God will never be put in the forehead of an impure man or woman. It will never be put in the forehead of a man or a woman who has worldly ambitions and who loves the world. It will never be put on men or women who have a false tongue or a deceitful heart. All who receive the seal must be without "spot or wrinkle" in their character, in order to be saved.
I know that there are many people who think that this is too tough or strict, but the Bible reveals that this is the way it will be.[192]
But dear reader! Do not despair, move forward in faith! If you are despondent and tempted to give up, remember that when we in sincerity cry to God for help, He will hear us, and we receive all the help we need in order to have the victory over the Evil one.
The Bible reveals that an investigative judgment is now taking place in heaven.[193] When Jesus returns to take the redemeed to heaven, where He is,[194] it will be too late to seek for a conversion experience. Then it will already have been decided who will go with Him and who will be lost. Some will receive eternal life, but unfortunately the large majority of people will be lost. For these people their life will end in the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the same as hell. Hell is not - as some preach - a condition where people lie writhing in agony and pain through all eternity. (That is not the plan of a loving God). Hell or the lake of fire is a time limited suffering or punishment, that ends with death.
God - who is love - desires everyone to be saved, but too many have chosen for themselves to rebel against God and not to receive the gift of salvation. The Bible tells that these people are going to be judged according to their deeds. Some will therefore receive a long punishment and others a short one, something that God will decide with justice in regard to everyone. The Bible says that they will burn like straw, and the suffering is over when the "straw" has burned up. They will burn into ashes.[195]
The ungodly will therefore not have eternal life (in pain). It is only the redeemed ones that receive eternal life. Therefore the Bible says clearly that "death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death".[195] In this way the cause of all the evil here in this world will be eradicated, together with those who have chosen to rebel against God. Everything on this planet will melt with fervent heat, and God will in the end create a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwelleth.[195] When the cause of evil is gone, there will be no more death, neither sorrow, crying nor pain. Then the redeemed will be in the presence of God and Christ, saved and free, at home in the kingdom of God. This is what we look forward to.[196]
We are living at the end of time, in a time of waiting, and in a time when probation still lingers. Time is short. Man's lifetime is short, and the work of God will be finished speedily.[197] Life is too serious to be spent with foolishness and idle talk, fairy tales, love stories, sex-movies, with competetive games etc. etc. These things do not focus on Jesus Christ and eternal life, and they do not prepare us for the soon coming of Jesus. Each one of us must decide to distance ourselves from the pleasures of this world and dedicate our lives to our Creator and Saviour. We must be born again![178]
If you understand that your life is not as it ought to be, then Peter's appeal to the people on the day of Pentecost is for you personally today: "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."[199] A few verses later the record also reveals this: "Then they that gladly received his word were baptized".
If you have not been baptized the way the Bible prescribes, the baptism of faith, but you desire to be a child of God, then the words spoken to Paul also apply to you: "And now why tarriest thou? arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord."[200]
The Bible does not say that everyone is saved through and by our own set of chosen beliefs, as many think. On the contrary, Jesus says: "no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."[201]
![]() Jesus had - is total immersion in the water. |
The Bible speaks of only "one Lord, one faith, one baptism."[202] A correct Biblical baptism takes place when a man has heard the gospel of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, and by faith accepts Jesus as his personal Saviour.[203] The baptism itself is done by immersion, as the baptismal candidate is immersed in the water; symbolizing the sin being buried in the water, and then the baptized one is risen up, out of the water to newness of life and fellowship with Jesus. It also means that you by this symbolic act, testify as to what has taken place in your heart, that you now believe Jesus died, was buried and arose from the grave for your sake.[204] Jesus Himself was baptized in this manner (even though He did not need it, for He was without sin) but He did it as an example for us, so that we may follow in His footsteps.[205]
When we have decided to follow Jesus completely and wholeheartedly, and have been baptized in this manner, then we have been promised that Jesus will give us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is then the power in the life of the Christian which makes us able to resist the temptations that meet us.[199]
But the one who is born again will not stop with the experience of conversion.[162] He will want to share what he has received, with others. Mankind has no light in itself. We have previously quoted Paul, stating that there is nothing good in man.[215] Therefore - without Christ and the Holy Spirit in our lives - we are like a wick not lighted, like the new moon that does not reflect the light from the sun. We have not in ourselves one single ray of light to send out into the darkness of the world. But when we turn to the Sun of righteousness, we are connected with Jesus, and then we can reflect His light in our lives to those around us.
The light that the converted individual has received from Jesus, he does not want to keep to himself. Jesus did not bid His disciples to try to let their light shine! No, He said: «Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.» Therefore - if Christ lives in the heart - it is impossible to hide the light of His presence. If those who profess themselves to be followers of Christ are not lights in the world, if they have no light to give to others, it is because they have no connection with the source of light.
Therefore, when the Holy Spirit has found entrance into the mind of the believer, it is natural for him or her to joyfully spread the light of truth to others. This again means that we do not need permission from the priest or the church board to work for Jesus. For it is Jesus Christ himself, the Saviour of the world, who has given us this assignment to be His light.[206]
The personal relationship with Jesus will also make you desire to work for Him. Paul puts it this way: "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you."[207]
When the Holy Spirit is allowed to work in us, we will not be in the condition of Laodicea anymore, but will be like living stones for Christ.[208] We will not keep the message of salvation in Jesus Christ to ourselves, but will - with Gods help - share it with others, each one of us in our own personal way.
![]() those who preach the clear, Biblical message of salvation from sin, and at the same time urge people to come out of Babylon. |
Dear reader! There is much evidence pointing towards the fact that the Biblical endtime prophecies are now being fullfilled in rapid succession. That means that the great controversy between God and Satan is soon to end. Due to this fact, let me encourage you to GO OUT and preach the three angels messages found in Revelation chapter 14, verses 6-12. There we find God's last warning message that shall be given to every people and nation. This is the message that God's people must share with the world. It is a call to give the everlasting gospel, the salvation in Jesus Christ, to all the world. The message is about fearing God, to worship, obey and honour Him. This message also includes that we inform the world that the hour of God's judgment has come. The day of accountability has come and is now in progress in heaven.[209] We must reveal the deceit and snares of Babylon as well as the dangers of taking "the mark of the beast" and the consequences it will have. We must bring the people to the point of making a decision like Elijah did (the message of Elijah).[210] The people must make the choice, either to take God as their authority and to follow His commandments, or to obey the beast (the papacy) and take its mark (Sunday, as the day of rest.)
In Revelation, chapter 18, verse 4, we are strongly urged to COME OUT of Babylon (the papacy and apostate Protestantism). It reads thus: "COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE! That ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues"[211] If you and I view ourselves as part of God's people, then we ought to protest the ecumenical connections with the papacy
![]() we find it in the book of Revelation chapter 14, verses 1-12, and in chapter 18, verses 1-4. |
When the three-fold message in the book of Revelation chapter 14, and the message to leave Babylon are preached in a clear and loud voice, then this message will awaken the world. Men will be led to take a stand; politicians, religious leaders, industrial workers, peasants, fishermen, bankers - EVERYBODY. All must choose to be ruled by the false system and heresies of Babylon, or place themselves fully on Jesus' side. There is a price on being different today, but if you have chosen Jesus, then you have chosen life - eternal life.
The Bible reveals that there will be a separation. This separation has already become apparent. It is this process that is going on right now. It is noticeable in the different churches and in society at large. Each one of us must take a stand on one side or the other. God allows this process of purification to take place now in order to separate "the dross from the gold". The Bible makes it clear that it will be only a remnant that will not be ruled by the power elite's centralized, international system. They will rather seek refuge in the Lord and trust in Him instead of men.[212] They are the ones who will come through this test victoriously, because they have given themselves completely to Jesus. They have received the Holy Spirit and followed in His footsteps. They are the ones "that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus."[213]
Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The one who has accepted Him in his heart and mind has at the same time received a call to serve. Yes, it is a fact that everyone born again is under the command of God, with a standing order to go out. This is Jesus' own words: "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen"[14]
Can you imagine a captain in a military division who commands his division to fight, and then see the division standing there discussing (perhaps in committees) if they are going to respond or not?
To go out sharing the Biblical end-time message is therefore not something for whichwe need to ask permission from other people. It is our duty to do so. For we do not primarily serve men. Our first and best service is to Jesus.
So please endure in this service - you who serve God in sincerity with an undivided heart. Please endure, with the help of God, you who will keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Endure, even if you have seen only small results from your labour. Endure, you who wrestle in prayer.
Endure, for soon Jesus will come. Those who endure to the very end will meet Him with joy. My prayer is that you and I will be one of them!
Friendly greatings from Abel Struksnes, Solberg, N-3522 Bjoneroa, NORWAY
1. Pat Robertson: "The New World Order", p. 5-7 2. The newspaper "Dagen" 12/28/91 3. Robert Eringer: "The Global Manipulators", p. 26, 4. Eringer p. 26 5. The newspaper "Klassekampen" 3/23/91 and 8/30/92, "Spotlight" 1/4/91 6. Newsletter from "Christian Information Service" jan./feb. 1995, p.3. 7. The Trilateral Commission: , 3/15/1973, p.1-3 8. B.M. Goldwater: "With no Apologies", p.299 9. Confirmed by personal conversation with a member of Parliament in 1994. 10. From the Norwegian European Movements journal from 2/14/1969-25, feb. 1970. 11. A Norwegian book "Sentrumsalternativet" by Eiliv Bakke. 12. Jack Harris: "Freemasory: The Invisible Cult in Our Midst", p.33 13. Same p.34 14. "Blue Lodge and Chapter Masonry", p.67-172 15. "Hand Book of Freemasonry", The Masonic Report, by C. F. Mc Quaig, p.183 16. Benjamin Disraheli: "Coningsby", p.233 17. Carrol Quigley: "Tragedy and Hope", p. 324 18. J.H.M.D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation", vol. 7 chap..6. 19. Same, vol. 6 chap.3 20. Same, vol. 6 chap.9 21. From "The Book of Concord", p. 327 22. Rev. 13:1-8; Dan. 7:19-25; Rev. 17 23. Dan. 7:14 24. Rev. 13:3 25. Rev. 13:18 26. Rev. 13:16-17 27. Dan. 7:25 28. Rev. 13:3 29. "The Sunday Telegraph", 10/25/91; "Watch out for a Catholic European Union", by K.R.Nilsen og A.Struksnes, p. 1. 30. A Swedish newspaper:"Sydsvenskan", 10/16/91, under the headline: "The way to the European Union are going through Rome". 31.The Catholic pamphlet:"The Missionary", June 1909, p. 69 32. Pope Leo XIII, encyclica 1890 33. Catholic World XI, number 64, 1870 34. The newspaper: "Dagen", 9/15/1995 35. Adolf Hitler, p. 171, published by Exeter Books, New York. + "The Secret Mystery of the Jesuits", by Edmund Paris 36. "Smokesreen" p. 20 by Jack Chick 37. "The Nazi Persecution of the Churches" by J.S. Conway p. 25.26 and 162. 38. DER VOELKISCHER BEOBACHTER, 1/14/1934. 39. "The Kaisers Memoirs", p. 211, Harper & Bros. 1922 40. "Daily Telegraph",7/4/94; "Dagen" 7/5/94 41. Letter to Abel Struksnæs from attorney general Georg Fr. Rieber-Mohn, 8/22/1994 42. The Catechism of the Catholic Church 43. The Catechism of the Catholic Church 44. The Catechism of the Catholic Church 45. T. W. Callaway: Romanism vs. Americanism, 1923, p. 58-61 46. A Norwegian newsletter: "Mens vi venter", number. 3, 1992, p. 25-26; Jim Arrabido: The video: "The Jesuits". 47. "Ceremony of induction and extreme oath of the Jesuits: Library of Congress Catalog Card, number 66-43354. 48. Texe Marrs: All Fall Down; The Plot to Crown the Pope the Prince of Peace. 49. Texe Marrs: Flashpoint, Aug. 1995. p. 3. 50. Tore Sognefest: "Musikkens makt og den nye verdensorden", p. 181 51. "Mens vi venter", Juli/Aug. 1994, p. 12 52. The newspaper: "Vårt Land", 11/17/94 53. Gen. 3:4. 54. Gen. 2:16-17 55. Deut. 18:10-12 56. John. 3:16; Rev. 20:14 57. 1. Tim. 6:16 58. Gen. 2:7; Ecc. 12:7 59. Ecc. 9:5-6, 9 60. Isaiah 38:1 61. 2. Thess. 2:9 62. Rev. 16:13-14 63. Luke 9:42 64. Tore Sognefest: "Musikkens makt og den nye verdensorden", p. 182 65. "Et annerledes evangelium". A video about the "Toronto-blessing", by Alan Morrison 66. "Mens vi venter", number. 2, 1992, p. 23 67. Matt. 7:15-20; Acts 5:32 68. Acts 5:32; Heb. 5:9 69. 1. Cor. 14:40 70. 2. Kings 5 71. E.G.White: "The Great Controversy", p. 588; Rev. 16.12-14; Rev. 17. 12+13 72. E.G.White: 2. Selected Messenger p. 143 73. E.G.White: same p. 141 74. James 4:4; 2. Chron. 20:35-37 75 Rev. 16:14-16; Rev. 17:12-14; Psalms 2:2-3 76. Rev. 17 77. Rev. 17:12-14 78. Abel Struksnes: The video: "Den store strid og Jesu gjennkomst" and "EU, og Den Nye Verdensorden.", (Norwegian) 79. Rev. 18 (see vers 23) 80. Catholic Record, London/Ontario, 9/1/1923 81. Exodus 20:8-11 83. Pater Brandy in a speech, covered in the Elisabeth, N.J. News, 3/18/1903. 84. From "Doctrinal Catechism", p. 174 and "The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine" (1977 edition), p. 50 85. H. F. Thomas, councellor for Cardinal Gibbons. 86. Isaac Williams: Plain Sermons on the Catechism, p. 334. 336. 87. Adam Binney: Theological Compendium p. 180, 181. 88. Catechism-note (22): "The Sabbath and the Sunday" by Odd Sverre Hove. "Dagen" 7/10/95 89. Mark 2:27-28 90. John 1:1-3, Gen. 1:26 91. Gen 2:3; Exodus 20:11 92. Lev. 18:22; Rom. 1:22-27; 1.Cor. 6:9-10; Exodus 20:14; Jer. 1:5 93. 1. Cor. 5:6-8 94. Acts 15:28 95. Isaiah 2:22; Jeremiah 17:5 96. Acts 5:29 97. Luke 4:16 98. Matt. 5:17-18 99. Heb. 9:24-28 100. The newspaper: "Vårt Land" 9/12/1990 |
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